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Showing posts from February 1, 2006

Remembering Josh

Josh Mali Abadi a prominent poet - wrote a verse which angered the British authorities in India so much that he was detained him for a couple of days. The British Empire was crumbling because of World War II. As the saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend - hence Germany which was attacking Britain, was considered a friend. Hitler was greatly admired and Josh wrote his verse translated to "Oh great Hitler, drop a bomb in our name". The British authorities were were so upset that they arrested the poet. The slightest amount of dissent was not tolerated by the British rulers (despite their claims to be great upholders of democracy and human rights). During theri stay here, they had their clubs signs 'Dogs and Indians not allowed" When ''World War II' was going on another man set up an army to defeat the British in India. He allied himself with Germans and the Japanese - to end British oppression. But war took its toll on 'Great' Britain T