Starting a career in advertising – every advertising agency is one man show. The person who owns the advertising agency – is the only copywriter and creative director. There is no place for anyone who chooses to be a copywriter, there never was and there never ever will be. In all companies whether they are advertising agencies or not have one thing in common the person who is the most incompetent, the most stupid is more likely to be promoted. Promotion is based the heights of incompetence one can rise to. This idea cost the life of the former Prime Minister ZA Bhutto who promoted the apparently the most idiotic generals and who had track record of complete incompetence – to the top ranking position in the army. He was none other than General Zia-ul-Haq. He overthrew ZA Bhutto’s government and had him executed.
But the concept of promoting a complete moron is the fear that a smarter person would threaten the position of the person at the top. An incompetent and stupid person is a safe bet, he is the least likely to be in to be able to capture the top ranking position through his own abilities. This applies in places where the concept of promotion exists. Otherwise there is no such notion. Having a job is all that matters, there is no possibility of promotion.
I use to imagine the biggest liars were the owners of advertising agencies I found out the even bigger liars existed in companies unrelated to advertising, particularly in multinationals who have the tremendous resources to commit absolute fraud. Two companies ICI and Hoechst symbolise the level crookedness. They violate every law of the land– in fact they consider themselves above the law. Banks both foreign and local are the same. Try as one might there is not a jot honesty and competence anywhere. Anyone can get away with anything. Multinational companies think they are God’s gift to
It is next to be impossible to retain ones job if one is incredibly honest. Doing a job in the field one is qualified in is also impossible. No one wants to hire qualified people, they just want errand boys. There is no room for talent and aptitude here, there is no reward for a job well done. No promotion for anyone who does well.. Only the brain dead rise to the highest positions. These people are obnoxious and evil it makes up for their lack of imagination. talent and complete ignorance. Another reason for promoting incompetent people is that the company ends up in huge losses which is a way avoid paying huge taxes. A competent person would increase profitability and pay taxes without any problems.
There is a slim chance for country to progress, when those who are in the top positions are incompetent. If really competent people rose to the highest position then they would encourage others just like them, to rise. They will never feel threatened by people better than themselves. In fact they know a person who is more qualified is in a better for the company’s profitability.