There can one of the two possibilities - either the government is league with the All Pakistan Newspapers Society so that the people working in newspapers should not get the 7th Wage Award, which has been pending for five years now or the other is that government is too terrified of the newspaper barons that they do not have the courage to defy them. Or the government is too inept to deal with such matters. The APNS is becoming increasingly daring and making statements that it wants the laws meant for the newspaper employees removed. Its like saying that law against murder should be removed because, it inconveniences the murderers and they should have the freedom to kill anyone they like and it should not be considered a crime, once it is not considered a crime, the police will never arrest them, they will never appear in court. Since it is not a crime they will never be imprisoned. They can just go on killing without any remorse or pity.
The present government is adopting ultra-rightist policies - they recently let Habib Bank fire 2000 of its employees on completely flimsy excuses. The job of the government is to preserve jobs not eliminate them. The people who should suffer are the owners of Habi Bank andother organisations which resort to firing people. The day when jobs use to be secure and person was assured four square meals and shelter are gone under the present government. Is it personal greed which is motivating the government go against the larger interest of the people. The businessmen are a minority, they are a bunch of incompetent reprhensible people who will violate every single law - just so that they can make profits.
Their motto will always be profit before people. they say that unless they are profitable they will be able to benefit their employees is just crap, they are only interested in helping themselves, everyone else be damned. The government should take the side of the people, it shoudl ensure mass employment, ensure that no businessman should ever be allowed to fire anyone.
The crimes and suicides have increased since this government has been around, because it has made easier for employers to throw out people and secondly everything has become ridiculously expensive. When will there be justice? only God knows the answer