Using the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO)- ther present miliary dictator of
Just because the judge has been removed does not necessarily mean that the crimes which he was trying to look into would go away. The fact the judge was removed by an executiive from General Musharraf directly implicates the General, the army and the entire security network. Everyone is guilty. Extra-judicial murders are the order of the day. The pollice jauntily reports it has killed a criminal - when there is no evidence to the fact that person who was killed was actually a criminal.
The Provisiional Constitutional Order is an invention of General Musharraf in order to ensure that no court in the country, including the the Supreme Court should not label him and the members of his junta traitors – because they committed high treason by overthrowing an elected government. There is no way out, all military officers in the coup are traitors and will be given the maximum punishment any traitor is given. The judges of the Supreme Court who did not support the PCO resigned on a matter of principle. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz who has supported the removal of the judges has also ranks of traitors.
Usually the nightmare of military dictatorship ends with war. In defeat the soldiers seek the mercy of the very people they have oppressed for years. Perhaps there may not be a war, but one way or another the military will be evicted from its hight and mighty posionn. Then it will be told to stay in the barracks and never come out. There should be powerful counter-measures in place which would eliminate any ambitious group of soldiers seeking to grab power. The military is a not a symbol of defence, it is a symbol of oppression and injustice. It has ceased to symbolise the defence of the country. Presently if it will suit the military it will cede the whole of Pakisan to any country of its choice.
The only way to get a really grand job is to be in the right place at the right time. Hardwork, talent, ability and intelligence means nothing. All that you learnt at you university or college is worthless. Consider a man working his butt off for years in a company, suddenly finds out the companies boss has been jailed for not paying taxes. The company winds up and the hardworking man ends on the street. He put in his life in the company – now his pension has gone and he is an old man with no chance getting another job. Lots of people try to be become movie stars end up they are too ugly, their voice is terrible and they just simply stupid – it is all matter of being bad luck. Others regardless of how they look get great part in some movie and end up acting in a film which makes lots of money.
A good luck also accounts for the fact that some people can get away with mass murder and never be held accountable for their crimes and some one get just kill one person and be jailed for life ...