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Showing posts from August 18, 2004


Burgeoning inflexions to make unrealities seem perfections – semblance of inchoate voices breaking the passions of uncertainty in a void breaking the silence of truth. The beginnings meandering in a violent upsurge of passionate discrimination. Tormented souls clamouring for righteous ire to salve their passionate need for vengeance. Uncertainty fills the minds of men the greed of whom is limitless and the desires abound to ravage the world. Violent moments in everyone’s past remain memories till revenge emerges as a solution. Bright unassembled thoughts – illogical and uncertain to enter the violent field of perpetual life we live in. Somewhere there is a semblance of reality – but who is it knows if it is only a façade. Wordless truth, unspoken ideas flourish in the mind, there is no beginning but no ending. A story with no ending is one chosen if it is enjoyed. But a story with an ending is credible – for all living things are born, they live and they die. How long that life will