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Showing posts from October, 2023

The Illuminati

 The Illuminati were orginially a class of businessmen of ancient Egypt, who specialised in money lendingd to the Phatosh who needed money to build  pharaohs  and other monument and some wars. But when Rome conquered Egypt, the Illuminati moved to Rome. They worshipped Ra the sun god. The Romans were more interested in conquest than building pyramids or monuments The Illuminati provided the funds to the Romans emperors to conquer territories, bring back all the loot theytR could and slaves. The were paid back their debt with interest. The Illuminati realised war was good for business. The Roman emperors went on  conquering creating an empire. Persia was one empire the Romans could never defeat, no matter how much money was spent. The Illuminati were old enemies of the Persians and Rome could do nothing against them.  All over Europe, Rome was in control. After the end of the Roman Empire, the Illuninati set up shop all over Europe.  Spain set out to find an alternative route to India,