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Showing posts from November 5, 2016

Strange responses

 These  are some strange responses I have received by different people on different occasions I saw this funny photograph on Facebook, did you see it too? Yes I saw it (with a stern look)   ------------- Your best friend and cousin has married - you must be very happy. Not all,  after her marriage I don't want to see her or meet her ever again. I stop being friends with anyone who gets married.  ---------- You had an accident, you have all those bandages. I don't feel the pain, I'm angry with the policeman who gave the wrong direction. ---------- The doctor said your eyes  were -5 and you need thick lenses, why did you not tell anyone you were feeling discomfort in your eyes? I felt discomfort but I did not think it was necessary to tell anyone about it, I thought it would go away or if it gets worse I thought what can I or anyone do about it?  -------- Which animal would you prefer as a pet? Pets are such a nuisance, hate looking after them