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Showing posts from May 12, 2019

License for happiness

If you are rich and powerful, you can get away with anything. You can enjoy yourself as much as you like. If you are not, your happiness is under the control of those who have been given the right to do so. Karachi is the city which is the richest in Pakistan.  People from all over the country throng to it, it is also the only port city, hence more cosmopolitan. What happens in Karachi spreads all over Pakistan. People who visit Karachi are influenced by it. Largely rural Pakistan imports ideas and concepts from Karachi. Though politicians moved the capital of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad, because Karachi is a volatile city. People in Karachi are quick to upset by any decision the government makes. Moving the capital to Islamabad, did not protect subsequent governments. Karachi through its trade and industry has a grip on the country's economy. The people of Karachi feel largely disenfranchised - because the billions of US dollars they earn is not invested in the city. Roa