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Showing posts from August 13, 2012

Happy to lose privacy Some people are pleased to abandon their freedom.  Their privacy taken away. There are military officers who imagine by denying people freedom they are doing a great service. The military has occupied a large chunk of Karachi and is running it as its personal fiefdom. Its are rules are not debated. It is dictation and nothing else. Greed and corruption runs rampant there is no one to challenge it. Commissioned officers firmly believe that only they have the right to run Pakistan - for better or for worse. When General Zia took over he changed Defence Housing Society into Defence Housing Authority. Ever since then every kind of racket started. The water supply racket. Although water pipelines were set up, but the water was not supplied through them by through water tankers. The road building racket. The sewerage line racket. Every conceivable violation has taken place Schools were set up by private parti