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Showing posts from November 11, 2004


It was heartbreaking to see so many infants crying because their parents had them circumcised. It is generally assumed that the pain will go away and the child would eventually forget, this is an absolutely wrong assumption the memory of such an extremely painful experience does not go away that easily– it is only suppressed, No one bothers or cares to ask the child if he wanted to have an intricate part of his body removed. This is done when the child has not even started speaking leave alone, there is really he can do anything to prevent something like this to happen. By all medical and ethical standards, it is the person who is fully aware of the implications of any kind operation, should be the one to decide if he would like it to be done or not. When an intricate part body is sliced off – at such time it is surprising parents do not feel never realise the tremendous physical pain they inflicted and the possible psychologicall harm they have caused. The child may stop crying b

Unhappy ex-Pakistanis

They left and years later they returned - these are ex-Pakistanis. A weird bunch they are. No matter what, nothing will ever make them happy. They were miserable when they had gone, found fault in virtually everything - made no attempt to put in their share to fix those things - they just went away. The country called Pakistan was like the child they had once left - those memories were etched in their minds. Years later when they returned - they imagined they would be coming to the same country they had left behind. They had abandoned everything when they went away so they had nothing left to stay back. They are angry because everything has changed - everything is bigger - perhaps not necessarily better. Its like the story of the villager Raju who left his village Katchi to start living in the town called Neker. Raju struggled for years, lived in the slum of Neker after years of struggling and having made some money to show off how successful he his to the people in Katchi. But much t