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Showing posts from March 11, 2007

General Musharraf is the kidnapper

Using the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO)- ther present miliary dictator of Pakistan has sacked two judeges of the Supreme Court. Most prominien tly Chief Justice Ifftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry who was hearing a case on missing people The fact he was removed only goes to show that investigation in this matter would have exposed General Musharraf’s involvement in this matter. He is ordering the kidnapping of people. Kidnapping is a small crime as far as the good General and the entire Pakistan Army is concerned, it has resorted to mass murder in former East Pakistan the same can happen in what remains of Pakistan . Just because the judge has been removed does not necessarily mean that the crimes which he was trying to look into would go away. The fact the judge was removed by an executiive from General Musharraf directly implicates the General, the army and the entire security network. Everyone is guilty. Extra-judicial murders are the order of the day.