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Showing posts from August, 2009

Electing Karazai, what?!

Everyone knows that Hamid Karazai was an US citizen set up by the USA to act as 'President of Afghanistan'. He was never elected that position, his job was just sit around and pretend to run a country which is not at all in his control. Now for some absurd reason the USA thinks it would be a clever thing to do is to have elections in Afghanistan and to elect Karazai. With the country in chaos, the coalition forces unable to make any headway in their war against the Taliban - there are to be elections. Who is counting the votes? Where the polls taking place? The Americans did the same thing Iraq - placing a puppet regime, a puppet parliament the same rubbish being repeated in Afghanistan. Karazai will remain the puppet president the US needs and the election will be a stupid excercise and it will not change the fact that coaliton forces are still fighting with no end in sight. How many soldiers are the invaders prepared to lose? How much are they willing to spend on new weap