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Showing posts from August 14, 2019

The theme of Pinocchio

Blade Runner, AI, DATA in Star Trek, Millenium Man, the holographic character in Star Trek, I Robot.  All have one running theme. All robots want to become human, it is the purpose of their existence Their purpose is not to best as robots or androids. Robots are to facilitate humans, be better at doing things. If robots become human, humans will still need  machines to help them. During war time if robots choose to become human, they will cease to obey the orders of the ones who gave them orders.  Robots must kill on the command of human officers.  Computers have shown they can play chess many times better than human beings. But chess is just one activity which humans do. A human will be playing chess, yet same time thinking and doing so many other things. A chess computer has no worries or concerns. A chess computer's life begins it is switched on and is off after it has played a game of two. There is this great fear of robots becoming self-aware, consequently dominate weak hum