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Corona chaos

The mysterious Corona Virus COVID-19 is a pandemic, Within its initial two months it has done more damage than any war could.  An airline in Australia has shut down. Shipping has slowed down. All spectator sports all over the world have stopped.  Most of TV hours were devoted just to show all kind of main  sporting events. Cinema halls are empty, studios are not making new films. Theatres are very cautious about stage shows.  Some permanently shut down if any one in a theatre company dies of COVID=19. Workers cannot reach factories, manufacturing has slowed down. For people who have no savings, cannot find jobs because many offices and factories are closed. Our parents' generation was the lucky generation. Everything was running smoothly, it was a matter of routine. In that generation all the manufacturing was done. The sky was filled with all kinds of aircraft. Trade was going normally. Travel and tourism was going on without problems. Now all that is beginning to look like a d

Terminators, Borgs, Brainiac etc

Artificial Intelligence is feared will evolve to harm humans  The problem is that they will only do so if they have been programmed to do so. When humanity thought of self-aware killing machines, they never considered Virus', Trojans so and so forth. So a robot which has been programmed to kill that program can be infected in such a way that they self-destruct or forget their original programming As artificial intelligence evolve will the virus.  Assuming Borg type creatures threaten Earth, they will be infected with an array of viruses, The Borg will be constantly adapting so will the virus, The same will happen to Terminators and Brainiacs

Sex-bots controversy

Sex-bots are incredible controversy, the subject has been stripped to the bone. No one made an issue of cinemas which showed films round the clock. You can buy the ticket and sit in the cinema all day. You have nothing to do with anyone. Later  Radio before cinema and after television. Listening and watching and doing nothing else. People go to their jobs have left their TV, come back they are greeted by their TV showing all kinds of stuff,  which is entertaining and informative, change the channel watch something else. Later people had stacks of VHS tapes, then DVDs. No companionship, just watching shows. Some people had large bathrooms they sit in their tubs full of warm water and watch all the DVDs round the clock.  No one was concerned that people had cut themselves off from others. Many people are addicted to their laptop and phones. The potential arrival of sex-bots is worrying everyone. The 'healthy' sexual relationship between people will be disturbed. But society has

Black Magic: Superstition or fact?

My encounter with Black Magic and Black Magicians started some 30 years ago. I was very sceptical and condemned anyone who believe in it. 30  years ago two people I knew, my best friend and a brother-in-law were out of their luck. My best friend for one reason or another - try as he might failed in every business effort, was discussing with his wife about pigeons. They went on talking, I politely stayed quiet. When they had finished, I asked him about what he talking about. He told me it had to do black magic, he was consulting a black magician to turn his luck around. I was shocked that he actually believed in such things and expressed my disappointment. His response to my reaction was anger. "I knew you would say these things, which is why I did not want to tell you" He tells me. We stopped talking for a few minutes and turned to talking about something else. I let him, he was actively following the black magicians instructions. Around the same my brother-in-law lost his

Growing up in Karachi, in different place completely

My father was in the foreign service, so we moved from country to country. For me Pakistan sounded like a foreign country. Had visitors from there. Except for them and my own family spoke Urdu, The minute I stepped out spoke that country's language.It defnitely did not feel like home. All 'fresh fruit' was in cans, when I returned to Karachi, I found what fresh fruit was like, the smell itself was intoxicating,there is no smell in canned fruit,Having canned fruit only begun to seriously believe that was the only way offered. I was in a cold country, I hated the cold, I was relieved when I returned to Pakistan. particularly, Karachi. I no longer needed to wear anything warm, no sweaters, no gloves. The sun was pleasing. I stayed in it as long as possible. I was staying at my khaalas place. She called me  back in and handed me a glass of water and a soft drink. "It's so hot outside did you not feel it?" "No" I replied Years later in a routine medi


Krypton the planet from where Kal-El a.ka. Superman came from is a mystery. An entire history could be written about it. The people of Krypton were a highly technologically advanced race, which makes one wonder, why did they not explore space?  They were not from Krypton, they were from another planet orbitting a red sun,  it was called Krypton then became known a Krypton-1 when they began exploring space, then became conquerors The most likely answer is that they were space travellers and had created an empire. Each Kryptonian had the same superpowers which Superman had and dominated their empire for several thousand years. All empires fall one day. A race called the Tazians who were  many times more powerful than Kryptonians started defeating them. Their ships were made of some unknown material and their technology many was times more powerful than Kryptonians could even imagine. With Krypton's ultimate unconditional surrender, was either face genocide or agree to all the term

The theme of Pinocchio

Blade Runner, AI, DATA in Star Trek, Millenium Man, the holographic character in Star Trek, I Robot.  All have one running theme. All robots want to become human, it is the purpose of their existence Their purpose is not to best as robots or androids. Robots are to facilitate humans, be better at doing things. If robots become human, humans will still need  machines to help them. During war time if robots choose to become human, they will cease to obey the orders of the ones who gave them orders.  Robots must kill on the command of human officers.  Computers have shown they can play chess many times better than human beings. But chess is just one activity which humans do. A human will be playing chess, yet same time thinking and doing so many other things. A chess computer has no worries or concerns. A chess computer's life begins it is switched on and is off after it has played a game of two. There is this great fear of robots becoming self-aware, consequently dominate weak hum