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Sui Southern Gas Company information village mentality

Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) is distributing to its customers information update forms. There are a number of problems related to this updating of information. Karachi is a cosmopolitan city, it is not some sleepy village where people who never look for any other place stay. Karachi is in perpetual state of flux and it is practically impossible keep up with such constant changes: The information once updated by SSGC becomes out of date, as soon as it has been submitted People are constantly changing their premises, they may give information of where they were once living in, but the owners or tenants will make changes in those premises, so that information becomes out of date. The former owners are living elsewhere and have nothing to with the those premises. The people who have shifted to new premises cannot be expected to provide requisite details, because they have yet to know the place they are living in. There can never give an accurate a

Worsening conditions of banks

After the local banks were denationalised - things have become worse - both for those who were employed in them and for those who have their accounts in them. Many bank employees were fired without thinking twice about the consequences - one of the many factors which have led the major disturbances in the country. The account holders are treated with absolute indifference. If their checque book has finished and have applied for a new one, if the new one is not collected within 60 days then the new checque book is destroyed - conveniently forgetting that the checque book belongs to the account holder and the bank has no business destroying it. It should keep it in trust so that the account holder can collect at has own convenience. An organisation called NIFT and the State Bank of Pakistan has prevented the banks from keep new checque books for more than 60 days and are required to destroy them. Whosoever invented this rule is a blithering idiot. Banks encourage people save money in