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Daylight robbery

Every year the 'government' announces what they called is the annual budget. Nothing ever changes. All the money goes to three - the incompetent military, the absolutely corrupt civil servants and the rest is used to pay back huge loans. As can be expected there is nothing for healthcare and education, the amount is so low it is not even worth mentioning.
The budget announcement is really an announcement of new taxes on virtually everything or how much more taxes or how much more has been added to existing taxes. Since the country is run by the military and its slaves the civil servants and myriad advisors ( there can never be a democracy when the head of state is a military dictator) - all the allocations announced in the budget are to enrich the military regime nothing else. In the absence of democracy - rejection of the budget is not an option and can never be.
When the time to announce the annual budget comes around everyone in the country is terrifiecd. They are already suffering because everything has become very expense and the annual budget after it has been announced makes things even more expensive. Even when it is not budget time, the 'government' keeps raising prices of everything and giving very flimsy reasons for doing so.
The military regime like all its predecessors have considered themselves gods. They do not tolerate defiance of any kind. They have insatiable greed. The taxes are not to benefit the country they are to make the military regime and it cohorts richer than before.
For the moment there does not seem to be a way of this tyranny of the armed forces and its need to steal all that it can. The people of Pakistan are living in absolute fear being ruled by the ultimate terrorist organisation the government General Pervez Musharraf.


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