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General Musharraf has lost his mind

Our presen (CIA installed) military dictator: General Musharraf has shown that he has absolute unable to control things in the country. The chaos and anarchy which has enveloped the country not the result just because of the recent events, they are the result of the neglect of the country’s problems resulting in resentment which began to simmer over the years and and now has expkided in what the world is witnessing today.
Military dictators have only purpose to run the country – that is personal gain by looting the country as much as they can. The problems of the state is none of their concern. Rather they feel so high and mighty, worrying about the problems of the country are too menial for them. No decisions can be made on whatever changes and improvements the country requires.
The neglect of the economy harms the people, some take their own lives and others resort to crime on a very large scale which the police is helpless to deald with.. The only time ‘police action’ is whe anyone opposed to General Musharraf’s rule – he send soldiers over to destroy those people. A member of parliament imagined that he was in actual parliamen, he wanted answers to what happened in Kargil. He was thrown out of the parliament unceremoniously. – this was a time when Musharraf had started to have firm grip on power. As military dictators, they imagine that they have solutions to all the problems in the country, the way that member of parliament was thrown out, looked as if the solution to all his problems and began to apply it everywhere, that was the beginning of the end

Nusharraf was for some reason terrified of Sardar Bugti of Balochistan, he had him killed along and members of his family this was the first blunder.Then finally the most unfogivable blunder was removing the the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – which unleashed so much rage that it spilled over in the streets. General Musharraf could never in imagine that people eventually stand up to him. He has lost contol over the country. Some people believe that the military is not prepared to back him and he is trying various ways to thwart the inevitable end of his regime..L It may well be that CIA could be considering replacing Musharraf with some other general - because a cemocratic Pakistan does not fit in the USA's long term foreign policy objectives]

General Musharraf says he will hold a press conference which will mainly include members of the international media, to explain his actions. The questions in this matter are: - in what capacity is going to address the press conference? Is he an elected representive of the people? which he is not - he is military officer who overthrew an elected government is now a military dictator. Would the free press of the world accept what he says – an absolute dictator and an absolutely free press do not mix, the would mock him in every concievable way.

Why is Musharraf so keen address the international media? Is it because the local media completely controlled and they are unwilling to report things or freely comment onything, not even depict him as a fool. Any newspaper or TV and radio channel does that would be destroyed. So what be reported would be dictated by the organisations which are the official mouthpiece of Musharraf.
If Musharraf has the courage he address a public forum with live TV coverage. In this public forum Musharraf would be required answers without being permitted to be vague or trying to dodge really embarrassing questions. For all the blunders he has made he is blaming everyone else except for himself, including family of the victims who had presented their case before the ousted Chief Justice.
The only thing Musharraf can rely on the war record - the “War against Terrorism”. If that his the measurement of his achievement, then it is a measure of absolute incompetence. He could not do anything for his own country – because he does not know where to begin. He can only begin if he understands, he would then do something. For the better part of his rule he and his appointed prime minster have been taking joy trips all over the world.- forgetting the problems of the country behind. That is all he has been doing, looting the country. Not only has he been kidnapping people he has also been stealing land. Entire fams have been grabbed by the military. When Musharraf was accused of that, he exploded in self-righteous rage.
The very concept of dictaorship, be military or civiian is abhorrent to civil soicety anywhere. It is a terrible curse which should be brought down and gotten rid of..


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