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State regulating the media, why?

Another form of doublespeak has emerged - censorship is not called censorship - it is called regulating the media. It is perceived that the government should do so. How can the can government  be trusted to do something like that honestly? The government has been accused of being absolutely corrupt and on regular basis new corruption scandals are exposed.
The masters of Pakistan's fate say do not want to create the ' wrong' impression about the image about Pakistan. in terms of religion, in terms of politics and in terms the overall image of Pakistan in the eyes of the world.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely it is said. The media is expected to careful about reporting about corruption - because lots of people who choose to live in obscurity would be exposed. A truly free press would expose these criminals. Strangely enough the media has to constantly has struggle to   defined the nature of the crime. 
Because of the control over the media, even entertainment is denied. Entertainment has nothing to do with corruption which takes place on a regular basis. To say entertainment is corruption is a false argument. Entertainment has nothing to do with it . It is easy pass the blame on to people who make a business of regularly exposing themselves,  instead blaming those hiding behind a veil of lies, theft, extortion and murder.
The censorship and media regulation has become a hopeless undertaking. 
If the media is in a vice like control of the state, the state luminaries will have a great deal to answer - if it leads to a disaster. There is no such too much information, but  there is a tremendous danger to control or regulate information and entertainment. 
Entertainment is to excite, entice and be enjoyable and it caters to every age and sex. For too long the country has been held hostage to the jaundiced perceptions of the mullahs. It was  only revealed  that the mullahs themselves are child rapist  - their daughters bear children out of wedlock though they observe purdah very religiously. If a TV play were to written about the character of mullahs in Pakistan - it would be a very juicy subject.
Pakistanis are fed up of the the sanctimonious sermons of mullahs, regardless of which they may belong.  Mullahs are paedophiles and resort to violence at the slightest provocation. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them completely. Those who insist on public decency only goes to show that they are hiding something dark and sinister. Have yet to meet an honest mullah in my life. If they do no have answers about anything as regards to religion, they dodge the questions or go into fits of rage. 
The state should not interfere with entertainment. There are kinds of entertainment, it is not necessary that everyone would like it, but it does not mean that it should be banned. Pakistanis frequent porn websites on a regular basis, why not have porn on TV? It should be there because it is the ultimate expression of freedom No media regulation please, no censorship please - we are Pakistanis. 
A means of thought control is propaganda - it has proven time and again to be the most to be worst kind of information control. It is no longer possible to impose an illusion on a society. There is so many ways to generate information and to access it. It is no longer a viable option to ban the internet, because other countries around Pakistan are way ahead in this respect. The time has come that freedom should not be denied.Many websites are currently inaccessible in order provide a semblance of control.  Many technical experts said that the Internet collapse some years back was because the stated decided to block all access. Sanctimonious assholes as they are known these days. Banning publications, TV channels have the opposite effect. The legitimacy of the state is then questioned.  Enough is enough the fatwa fanatics the mad mullahs should leave Pakistan for good. The ideology of Pakistan will not be threatened if books, currently banned are allowed, heavens will not fall  if TV channels banned presently are allowed. The ban imposed on websites should go. 
Edhi  at its centres all over Karachi -  have cots outside. Women leave their unwanted babies in them - no one knows the details as how many women have done so over the year. How many abortions are done in Pakistan. No one knows how many women choose  to divorce  on a daily basis. These are the kinds of statistics which could upset the the much cherished beliefs of what Pakistani society is like. The problem is these things are not considered appropriate to discuss openly. But they have to be in order to have a better understanding.


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