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Non-governmental organisations nonsense

There are just about too many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) - apparently working on several projects. The ones working on the problems of women are myriad. There are  others working to free those people who have been detained indefinitely without charges. There are NGOs for the environment and wildlife preservation. For every single problem which exists  there are several NGOs If you ask them what they have achieved, other than having their reports published in newspapers - they have no answer. In the recent Women's Day - the rape and abuse of women was highlighted - how about talking about women who made difference? Women who have done things in the scientific field, in the arts in different fields f human endeavour. NGOs stick to their agenda - on paper their work looks very noble and worthwhile - the problem is the issues once resolved - the purpose of the existence of NGOs ceases. Running NGOs is a business - money comes from people who believe in their cause - some o

Gemans are a bunch of bigots

Hans-Peter Friedrich stokes immigration flames: 'Islam has no place in Germany' | Mail Online The stories of the Final Solution would normally be brushed aside, because it is considered British propaganda during World War II. Because the British was imperial power and its colonies all over the world hated it and never believed . But after so many years after World War II - the independent countries of the world may well begin to revise their opinions. That the Germans really were capable of exterminating people on a very large scale. Since Germans are excellent in making machines and industrial products and way beyond many nations in getting things perfectly organised, compartmentalised and structured to make them happen with complete with cold precision - it is possible did turn mass murder into a full fledged industry. It operated with hundred per cent efficiency. Taking such things into consideration - the title of the story of the Daily Mail in the 1930s could h

Time to rip the masks off!

Time to rip the masks off! Many things can come from this. The following seem to be true: To prolong the war in Afghanistan and to extend to Pakistan US internal politics may also be a factor in this. even there politicians are not above stabbing each other in the back When the US Embassy officials were held hostage in Iran - Jimmy Carter was assured their release by the Iranian government. But George Bush  (former CIA head) delayed the release. Jimmy Carter lost his re-election bid. Ronald Reagan became president and George Bush became vice-president. The CIA along with contractors are carrying a massive covert war in Pakistan.  Target killings, bomb blasts in different places.  Killing of religious leaders - such cost a lot of money to conduct.  The weapons and the bombs are not easily and readily available - these are expensive items who can afford waste so much money. It is believed the terrorism in Mumbai was also a CIA-Mossad operation to discredit Pakistan- it can

Honda Civic In Pakistan

How is it that Honda has crossed out some of the things it has on its list? Does it not want to best car in Pakistan? In any case the car policy of the government of Pakistan is seriously flawed.  Most probably because no one has had the time  to revise it.Cars are called luxury items and safety features additional luxury items. Cars are not luxury items, they are a utility and consumer item. People need them to travel distances, many of which are not accessible by public transport. At present the tax on on cars is 350% over and above the actual price of the cars. The tax on cars should not be more than more than 25% of the actual price. Car buyers in Pakistan have a choice of only a few cars brands. Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi, although there many car companies in the world. The number of people who want to buy news cars in Pakistan but cannot afford to are 60 million - but because they are outrageously expensive only an estimated 9 million people can afford them. An impo

Knowledge without purpose, education which fails

Right up to class 8 - schools can teach more or less whatsoever they like to. They introduce a whole range subjects. Some schools even have art and music teachers. Surprisingly there is even geology. There is no bar what you can learn what you cannot. The school has a limited number of students in each class. So if a student's performance is to be gauged it will from the those 45 to 60 students. The teacher is both teacher and examiner. So she (or he) knows more about the student than anyone else. If the student has some difficulty - a mental or physical problem - it would be conveyed to the parents directly. Many learning problems are related to poor eyesight, undue fatigue, some kind of illness. Which the teacher can tell the parents and the parents in turn can make the proper arrangements to help their child But as soon the student  is in 9th class - everything which happened before comes to an abrupt end - it as if it never existed.  Students are treated as if they are machin

When Veena Hayat was raped

When our newspapers started enjoying some freedom, Veena Hayat's rape was the major headline of all the newspapers which existed at that time. Veena Hayat is not known because she was raped, she is the daughter of a politician Shaukat Hayat Khan, which means she belongs to an extremely rich family.  Many people did not like to see this news in their newspaper leave alone on the front page.No one liked reading stuff like this. However this was the first sojourn of the newspapers in the new frontier of  free expression and reporting without restriction. The reason why people reacted with such indignation is that they had yet get adjusted to such openness. Strangely enough they travel abroad, they come across all kinds of magazines which they enjoy and express no disapproval. It was nothing but hypocrisy.  However are now reacting in the same way against the TV channels. thought are not at all as free as they should. They were controlled by the state. Because of the prevalent hypoc

The bane which is PEMRA

I know I have written too many times about the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) but considering they way this bastard organisation is conducting itself - no matter how much it is condemned it is simply not enough.  The banning of international channels was widely  criticised - but the fucking idiots in PEMRA were not the least concerned about this.  After this was done, content of local channels begun to be monitored. news channels in particular including entertainment channels and lately advertisements which appear in them. These shit-eaters in PEMRA have nothing better to do than snatch as much freedom as they can. As if freedom is something to be trifled with. The ultimate goal of course to ban all private channels and only have Pakistan Television as the only TV channel. The way freedom is being taken away, it can be taken back with tremendous force. Everyone who works in PEMRA would made accountable for their violation of fundamental human rights, violating

email mess

It is probably because I have a CRT monitor instead of a LCD monitor I am having hard time being able to see my Email, let alone read it. I have difficulty logging out too. Who came up with the bright idea of having the email on top of the screen and below the inbox a small area to read the Email, unless you click it and it becomes large, but then it covers the everything else, unless you clicks shut the Email. Some still use CRT monitors in this day and age, if anyone cares to listen. Logging out of ones Email account is a nuisance, in most cases it is impossible to locate. Everyone is in a rush to have a better email unable to decide what to keep and what to throw away.

State regulating the media, why?

Another form of doublespeak has emerged - censorship is not called censorship - it is called regulating the media. It is perceived that the government should do so. How can the can government  be trusted to do something like that honestly? The government has been accused of being absolutely corrupt and on regular basis new corruption scandals are exposed. The masters of Pakistan's fate say do not want to create the ' wrong' impression about the image about Pakistan. in terms of religion, in terms of politics and in terms the overall image of Pakistan in the eyes of the world. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely it is said. The media is expected to careful about reporting about corruption - because lots of people who choose to live in obscurity would be exposed. A truly free press would expose these criminals. Strangely enough the media has to constantly has struggle to   defined the nature of the crime.  Because of the control over the media, even entertai

Obma's visit to India

If it was any head state it is doubtful the Indians would have been out of their way to so excited about his visit. The USA fascinates India - everything about it. Though Indians may try to be the same as the USA will never ever be, because the fundamental problem in India is i tolerance. India can never have something like the First Amendment of the US Constitution -which assures the right of every citizen of the USA the freedom of expression and thought. India looks up to the USA but still has hard time understanding why the USA is the leader amongst nations. Only when India drops all of its censorship laws,becomes increasingly tolerant will it be able progress.Indians have change,relax many of its laws which are essentially against individual freedom. Development starts when the state exacts less control on its people.

Online from the beginning

No sooner is a baby born, it starts being photographed by digital cameras. Its pictures are immediately online, sent to family members and friends all over the world. Not only still pictures - but movies with sound. When one thinks about that this was inconceivable this was more than a decade ago just thinking about it is astonishing. Some mothers are so excited about pregnant, they send the ultra-sounds of the baby they are going deliver. So a person on the Internet even before being born. Will remain alive in cyber-space long after he is no more. Emails accounts he sent photograph of himself sent it to all the people he knows. His voice would be preserved too. The ones taken when he was baby and a child were beyond his control, but those too would be floating around in cyberspace. He cannot control that information, because it is in someone else's account elsewhere. Perhaps that someone has deleted that information. While others may have kept around. The truth is that the

Transparency International fraud

It is really strange that the countries which are absolutely squeaky clean are the USA, Canada and the members of NATO; Whereas the rest of the world is absolutely corrupt in varying degrees. Some of the world's poorest countries are listed. The factors which lead to corruption are the following: Hunger Poverty Unemployment Prostitution Slavery Drugs Racial discrimination Religious prejudice No country in the world can ever claim to have gotten rid of these. The countries which claim they have are lying. The world's richest countries also have slums and tent cities. Just because beggars are not seen on the streets in these First World Countries, it does not mean that absolute poverty does not exist. These people are removed from plain sight. The corruption stories run rampant, the purpose is to make people miserable about their own countries and consider immigrating. The purpose to offer something better to the immigrants, the purpose absolutely criminal. The First World C

Bomb Pakistan if it does not comply

The new - old US policy - is 'bomb Pakistan if does not comply'. The same theme which President Bush had. "Are you with us, or are you against us". Someone called Armitage said - 'We will bomb Pakistan into the stone age". The USA has used Pakistan, ever since General Ayub Khan was made the first military dictator of Pakistan by the USA - to do all kinds of things. The Peshawar air force base was used to launch U2 spy planes to spy on the former Soviet Union. Pakistanis have never liked dictators and General (Field Marshal) Ayub Khan was removed. The USA was terrified the prospects of democracy completely taking over Pakistan. So quickly General Yahya was made the new military dictator. Bhutto the first civilian to take power was hated and feared by the US establishment, they waited on the sidelines to make a single mistake to have him overthrown. General Zia-ul-Haq took over with the blessings of the USA and blown away after he ceased to be of any use. Pakis

Facebook a social networking site, rubbish!

Facebook the social networking site requests its users to add friends or have a circle friends. Yet as it is the nature of those who absolute hypocrites - the purpose is not enable people to come together, it is deny them access to any social contact. Say one thing, do exactly the opposite. Facebook should enable adding people not denying it. It has happened so often that it has become irritating, what is the point of Facebook, make enemies and manipulate them or make friends? For all intents and purposes Facebook hopeless in the task of Social Networking. Instead of encouraging people to meet people it is doing exactly the opposite. Perhaps there is language barrier and huge cultural difference. If choose add people, that is precisely what I like to do. In Facebook and chat sites that I have seen, the purpose is not exchange ideas and points of view, it is dead silence and indifference. This is a sign of a disastrous social attitude. Meeting people for the sake of meeting them is so

Floods and the military budget

The floods could be a blessing in disguise. Under military rule - ever since General Ayub took over the military expenditure expanded and it was set in stone that it should remain 80% of the annual budget, come hell or high water . That leaves the government with 20% -10% for attempting to pay back the loans given by the World Bank, IMF and other organisations. The remaining 10% is left development, infrastructure, education, health and to run the government. Since the military is unwilling to let government have more money for Pakistan all kinds of problems have arisen. The washing away of roads and bridges is because the miltary is not concerned with progress and prosperity of Pakistan. What the military does not realise is that unless Pakistan prospers - the miltary will also not be survive. Military budget allocation has to be sensible. Despite this allocation - Pakistan lost most of Siachin to India. In the 1965 War, there was a chance to win back Kashmir. General Ayub was afrai

A beggar at the bank

“Get out of here” The banker screamed, when the beggar came in. “Why” Asked the beggar. “Because you’re beggar” The banker says “Of course I’m one” The beggar said. “Then go” “No” “Do you want me to call the police” The banker shouts. “No, I want to open an account” “Don’t talk nonsense, you’re beggar” “I know, but I still want to open account” “You’re a beggar and you cannot possibly have anything” “You'r wrong I would not say that, I have enough to open account” “How much?” The beggar shows him a Rs 100 note. “Where did you get that? “Someone gave it to me” “Who?” “I don’t know?” “you don’t? “Yes” “Someone gave you money for what?” “nothing” “Why? Why would any one give you money for nothing?” “Because…I’m…a…beggar?” “I knew what you’ll say that. You really want to open account?” “yes” “Well, sit down, you will have to answer some questions” “Ok, ask them” “Where did you get money from” “From begging” “Do you have

The Great Flood is here and now

For the followers of religion and the true believers, the Great Flood has returned. It was revealed that when Noah encountered the Great Flood, he built the ark to save people. It was a new beginning, order had to be restored. Mankind faced the greatest peril at that time and Noah was their saviour. Noah’s name is in the religious books. The Great Flood was to tell the world about the great power of God and his unification. Only true believers would this Great Flood portends. Mankind has again reached the edge of the precipice. Like the rivers change their course, mankind can also avoid the course it is has adopted. This time humanity has been left to choose the direction it wants to go. Instead of going the way of Matually Assured Destruction and the Nuclear Holocaust. This can be avoided and humanity will saved. Otherwise this Great Flood is the Great Flood of apocolypse and the beginning of the End of Days. The Great Flood is year zero. From this year onward humanity can avoid

Zardari going to UK?

Zardari is visiting the UK despite the fact that he had condemned and snubbed by the British prime minister. "God! has the man no shame?" He is also going at the time when Pakistan is suffering the worst flooding since 1929. He should have some consideration for the people of Pakistan at this time. Up to 600 people have died because of these floods. No relief is forthcoming. Which is something he probably can never do, unless there is massive bribe for him somewhere. The fact he is going only to Britain is not for the benefit of Pakistan, but check out all the loot he has gathered in Britain. He is also going in an official plane filled with his lackeys and his 'friends'. This will cost Pakistan about $500 million. Money which could be used to provide relief to those who are starving because of these floods. But does President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari care? Not one bit. The USA is not too happy with existing government and Pakistan on the whole.


No one in Pakistani TV channels has studied journalism. They do not know the first thing about it. The concept of Redundancy is an essential aspect. Redundancy is a mass communication term, those who do know what this term means, need not bother. But for those who do, yesterday was example of Redundancy gone amok. Every single channel was reporting the same thing throughout the day. The air crash was a sad thing to happen, but it does not justify any sensible news organisation go on telecasting it. The weirdest part of it was that, none of them had any facts with them. They were stuck with the plane had crashed and an attempt to rescue any survivors was going on. What many people missed the point that why had so many people showed up at where the plane had crashed? None of these news organisations have the questions Five Ws and the Single H. Because do not know how to ask and what to ask and who to ask. They are incompetent in every aspect of the field of journalism. This is not jo

PML(N) is fake

I sent emails to PML(N) and this is what I got: I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster. If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system : Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=A: Host not found From : Subject : Policies of PML(N) To :, Cc : Thu, Jul 01, 2010 03:26 AM Dear sirs, I would be interested in knowing where you stand on the following issues: 1. Should the government should provide 90% subsidy all food items and not impose Valued Added Tax? 2.The government should be responsible for price control 3. Banking secrecy, the money saved or withdrawn from a bank should not be the business of the government. The existing