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Terminators, Borgs, Brainiac etc

Artificial Intelligence is feared will evolve to harm humans  The problem is that they will only do so if they have been programmed to do so. When humanity thought of self-aware killing machines, they never considered Virus', Trojans so and so forth. So a robot which has been programmed to kill that program can be infected in such a way that they self-destruct or forget their original programming As artificial intelligence evolve will the virus.  Assuming Borg type creatures threaten Earth, they will be infected with an array of viruses, The Borg will be constantly adapting so will the virus, The same will happen to Terminators and Brainiacs

Sex-bots controversy

Sex-bots are incredible controversy, the subject has been stripped to the bone. No one made an issue of cinemas which showed films round the clock. You can buy the ticket and sit in the cinema all day. You have nothing to do with anyone. Later  Radio before cinema and after television. Listening and watching and doing nothing else. People go to their jobs have left their TV, come back they are greeted by their TV showing all kinds of stuff,  which is entertaining and informative, change the channel watch something else. Later people had stacks of VHS tapes, then DVDs. No companionship, just watching shows. Some people had large bathrooms they sit in their tubs full of warm water and watch all the DVDs round the clock.  No one was concerned that people had cut themselves off from others. Many people are addicted to their laptop and phones. The potential arrival of sex-bots is worrying everyone. The 'healthy' sexual relationship between people will be disturbed. But society has

Black Magic: Superstition or fact?

My encounter with Black Magic and Black Magicians started some 30 years ago. I was very sceptical and condemned anyone who believe in it. 30  years ago two people I knew, my best friend and a brother-in-law were out of their luck. My best friend for one reason or another - try as he might failed in every business effort, was discussing with his wife about pigeons. They went on talking, I politely stayed quiet. When they had finished, I asked him about what he talking about. He told me it had to do black magic, he was consulting a black magician to turn his luck around. I was shocked that he actually believed in such things and expressed my disappointment. His response to my reaction was anger. "I knew you would say these things, which is why I did not want to tell you" He tells me. We stopped talking for a few minutes and turned to talking about something else. I let him, he was actively following the black magicians instructions. Around the same my brother-in-law lost his

Growing up in Karachi, in different place completely

My father was in the foreign service, so we moved from country to country. For me Pakistan sounded like a foreign country. Had visitors from there. Except for them and my own family spoke Urdu, The minute I stepped out spoke that country's language.It defnitely did not feel like home. All 'fresh fruit' was in cans, when I returned to Karachi, I found what fresh fruit was like, the smell itself was intoxicating,there is no smell in canned fruit,Having canned fruit only begun to seriously believe that was the only way offered. I was in a cold country, I hated the cold, I was relieved when I returned to Pakistan. particularly, Karachi. I no longer needed to wear anything warm, no sweaters, no gloves. The sun was pleasing. I stayed in it as long as possible. I was staying at my khaalas place. She called me  back in and handed me a glass of water and a soft drink. "It's so hot outside did you not feel it?" "No" I replied Years later in a routine medi


Krypton the planet from where Kal-El a.ka. Superman came from is a mystery. An entire history could be written about it. The people of Krypton were a highly technologically advanced race, which makes one wonder, why did they not explore space?  They were not from Krypton, they were from another planet orbitting a red sun,  it was called Krypton then became known a Krypton-1 when they began exploring space, then became conquerors The most likely answer is that they were space travellers and had created an empire. Each Kryptonian had the same superpowers which Superman had and dominated their empire for several thousand years. All empires fall one day. A race called the Tazians who were  many times more powerful than Kryptonians started defeating them. Their ships were made of some unknown material and their technology many was times more powerful than Kryptonians could even imagine. With Krypton's ultimate unconditional surrender, was either face genocide or agree to all the term

The theme of Pinocchio

Blade Runner, AI, DATA in Star Trek, Millenium Man, the holographic character in Star Trek, I Robot.  All have one running theme. All robots want to become human, it is the purpose of their existence Their purpose is not to best as robots or androids. Robots are to facilitate humans, be better at doing things. If robots become human, humans will still need  machines to help them. During war time if robots choose to become human, they will cease to obey the orders of the ones who gave them orders.  Robots must kill on the command of human officers.  Computers have shown they can play chess many times better than human beings. But chess is just one activity which humans do. A human will be playing chess, yet same time thinking and doing so many other things. A chess computer has no worries or concerns. A chess computer's life begins it is switched on and is off after it has played a game of two. There is this great fear of robots becoming self-aware, consequently dominate weak hum

'Education is not important'

I had an arranged marriage with a woman who I discovered was uneducated amongst her many flaws. Her father was not the least interested in getting his children, he was only interested in getting them married.His elder daughters, it was uphill task to convince him to get them in admitted in the university, however he was interested in studying medicine, because it conflicted with his need to have his daughters married early otherwise they would lose their looks. He lied to her about the outstanding grades which would immediately get admission in a medical college. She found out this terrible deception after her marriage. He stopped the education of one son, because did not consider him fit. My who was the youngest, was also going to suffer the same fate, she fought tooth and nail to continue with her education. Her elder brother brother could have entered medical college but his father flatly refused. Later the same brother was married off to a woman, in which education was not given

The high and mighty

There was an asshole uncle who had retired as ambassador, he had served in the army as Colonel. Because of the prevailing political conditions he became ambassador. He was extremely proud about his accomplishment,  He had spoiled his son that refused to work, although he had an MBA. All the jobs he got were through his father's goodwill he quit and spends his days playing golf or sleeping. I of course had to work for living and make my ends meet spending long hours. Why my uncle deserved to be called an asshole, was not because of those things, though they should count, one day pulled out an encased bottle of expensive wine. Looked at me and said the meanest thing anyone could say "Can you afford to buy this? You cannot  I know, only I  can".  He was shamelessly mocking me. I was in the underprivileged category of my extended family. Nearly everyone in my extended family have had the benefit of being many times better off than I am. That somehow gave them the reason to

License for happiness

If you are rich and powerful, you can get away with anything. You can enjoy yourself as much as you like. If you are not, your happiness is under the control of those who have been given the right to do so. Karachi is the city which is the richest in Pakistan.  People from all over the country throng to it, it is also the only port city, hence more cosmopolitan. What happens in Karachi spreads all over Pakistan. People who visit Karachi are influenced by it. Largely rural Pakistan imports ideas and concepts from Karachi. Though politicians moved the capital of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad, because Karachi is a volatile city. People in Karachi are quick to upset by any decision the government makes. Moving the capital to Islamabad, did not protect subsequent governments. Karachi through its trade and industry has a grip on the country's economy. The people of Karachi feel largely disenfranchised - because the billions of US dollars they earn is not invested in the city. Roa

How a rich man can afford his daughter's expensive wedding

A rich man in South Asia does not spend a single thing on his daughter's extremely expensive and lavish wedding. That may sound ridiculous but it is a fact. This how the system works. The rich man has billion dollar contracts, it is up to him, to  whom he chooses to give it to. The rich man gives a 100 million dollar diamond set,  he never bought it, all that he did was sign a multi-million dollar deal. That person gladly gifts the 100 million dollar to the rich man. The rich man keeps his money safe in different banks, in the country and abroad.  The 100 million dollar diamond set is part payment of the commission for the multi-million dollar deal. All the other extravagant expenses on the wedding are made by other businessmen. Everyone else believe that the rich man has spent his own money, he never did. All that  he did was offer promises, using influence. He can easily stop doing business with any company. That company knows the rich man can do that and it would be an unbe

Jalal and Jalalabad

I was telling someone about what I got to know about Jalalabad. That Jalal was Changez Khan's son who was killed in Afghanistan.  Changez Khan was not interested in occupying Afghanistan, he learnt that his son had been killed there, he wanted to know exactly where he was buried, so that he could arrange a proper funeral for him. It took some doing after some battles, Changez Khan prevailed, the Afghans who surrendered told him about where Jalal was buried. After the funeral, Changez Khan left. The place then on became known as Jalalbad.The person whom I was telling this story,  reaction was this "Oh so Jalal's name was Jalal because he had converted to Islam" I had to explain to him that that was not the case. The Mongols accepted Islam much later.  There are semi-educated people mix up historical information with religious data. They cannot tell the difference. There was talk about how Arabs do not support Pakistan. I had my opinion let them go on with their dis

Porn industry in Pakistan

It is a despicable unlikable industry, it is called the porn industry otherwise known as the Adult Industry. It is called an industry because of the tremendous amount of money it generates. Pakistan does not have one - but everything exists underground, the result is very poor.  There is nothing which does not exist. Pakistan's second largest brothel is Heera Mandi, in Lahore, the largest is the town of Kharian, it is a railway junction. Where there are brothels there is liquor.  The 'Islamic Republic' is merely a label, under cover of which everything happens. No one has the courage to reopen the bars, the nightclubs, the discos which which existed till the late 1970s. But perhaps due to force of nature they may open up, with people demanding more freedom. perhaps its just a matter of time. Recently a man tried to open a porn website, he was arrested, strangely enough the 'victims' denied any involvement in participating it. Porn may well become an industry in t

What we choose to eat

I was told a strange story about pigs. Pig farmers are more prosperous than those who farm other animals. Pigs mature quickly  and are ready to be sold in a short time. As for farmers of other animals have to wait for their animals to mature. Money lenders do not like pig farmers because they pay back  their debt if any whereas farmers of other animals constantly need to buy something or the other for their animals. By the time they end up selling their animals,  they are already in debt, they have ensure they add the debt to the price of the livestock they are selling. With ample propaganda peoples beliefs about the animals they consume was changed, Certain animals were called unclean and impure whereas others were called clean and good to eat. In certain faiths specific animals were elevated to the status of deities, hence cannot be eaten. The rift between human beings is what they eat and what they do not. Some animals are considered pets for others they are food. For all practic

Strange responses

 These  are some strange responses I have received by different people on different occasions I saw this funny photograph on Facebook, did you see it too? Yes I saw it (with a stern look)   ------------- Your best friend and cousin has married - you must be very happy. Not all,  after her marriage I don't want to see her or meet her ever again. I stop being friends with anyone who gets married.  ---------- You had an accident, you have all those bandages. I don't feel the pain, I'm angry with the policeman who gave the wrong direction. ---------- The doctor said your eyes  were -5 and you need thick lenses, why did you not tell anyone you were feeling discomfort in your eyes? I felt discomfort but I did not think it was necessary to tell anyone about it, I thought it would go away or if it gets worse I thought what can I or anyone do about it?  -------- Which animal would you prefer as a pet? Pets are such a nuisance, hate looking after them

Culture vultures

Recently a Qawwali singer Amjad Sabri was shot dead in Karachi. It was said he had no enemies, nothing can  be further than the truth. The reason is Qawwali singers, Ghazal singers and others are born in such households where they had to master the art. Each of them is vying for audiences there are literally turf wars on such things. Before concert halls, vinyl records and others which followed, they performed in brothels  The prostitutes would dance for the men who had gathered there. They were paid and the dancing girls too, then the men would go off with a prostitute.  Rival gangs controlled different brothels and had their own singers, dancers and prostitutes. There were turf wars one gang would decimate the other. Pimps kidnap women and force them into prostitution.  These people are considered the lowest of the low in society. Respectable people kept their distance and they were never welcome anywhere.The mullahs fell in the same category -  because they sought the help of th

Robotised world

The present will seem magical to people even living in the 1980s.  Smartphones, touchscreens, self-driving cars, electric cars, solar farms, electricity generated by thousands of solar panels. Blue Tooth, Infrared. Factories have less workers because of automated manufacturing. Things move quickly from concept, designing and actual manufacturing of that item. The evolution of CGI will eliminate actors. There is a great deal more things on the way which will increasingly eliminate human involvement. The only problem with this hyper-efficient environment is the economy. If the economy is doing well, everyone is  employed and making money then people can afford such advancement. The basic necessities of the people food, shelter. clothing and medical support and money to spare so as to be able to buy latest gadgets then it would work.  But such technological advancement takes places which for all practical removes human involvement it is bound to create resentment, hatred and result in u

The future of gaming

In the VCR wars, Sony's Betamax lost and VHS was used.  VCRs are no longer in use, CDs were used followed by DVDs then Blu-Ray DVDs. As this was going on, people increasingly began to rely on the Internet to watch all the films they wanted.  This ended the 4 decade long video rental business. A similar situation has emerged when Sony and Microsoft selling their respective consoles. Some games can be played on Playstation and others on Xbox exclusively.  But the personal computer is there and can be configured anyway and can still play most games. The future of gaming will no longer be consoles, it will be the Cloud. The GameCloud will be like the telephone exchange of gaming. It will not only provide games, it will have a feature which would create problems for both Sony and Microsoft. The problem is this GameCloud will quiet literally perform like a telephone exchange. Players can log in to GameCloud, they will not need any change in the existing hardware of what they have, thi

The absence of joy and excitement

Paychopaths are void of feelings. The past six months have shown me how much they can cause. I came into some money six months - I was jubilant,extremely happy and excited when I received it. The first thing I did was give my daughter, who had graduated a month so earlier and I did not have anything to give her, now that I did,I gave her more than any of uncles and aunts could. She took the money and said nothing just sat there as if nothing had happened. What I was expecting was that she would jump with joy and be very excited about receiving the money.There was absolutely no expression on her face. She had to be prompted - and she gave the expression of joy and happiness - but at no time able truly comprehend the reason.  Later when  I told my wife about the money, which was long overdue - she had the same deadpan reaction as my daughter. No expression of relief and no tears of joy,  nothing at all. Here I am feeling incredibly happy and the response is of cold indifference. Bough

Insane parents

Not being able to choose the parents is a sad part of life. I would be very  happy if I had parents who genuinely loved and cared instead of being the exact opposite. Besides that they lied and thought no end of themselves.  They were violent and mean all the time. When I was small,  they could away by hitting me and being abusive.When I became older they demeaned in front of family and friends.  Running me down every opportunity they got. Ignore me and act as if I did not exist. The friends I made did not meet their approval, because liking someone is not good enough for friendship. Their idea of friendship meant people who can be used to get something in return for friendship. As a result of their attitude I avoided having friends - because never be good enough for my parents. They used to do this in my childhood, way back then I felt as if I was invisible, anything I said or did, did not matter and because no one wanted acknowledge my presence - I felt like killing myself When I

A box of chocolates

There was matter of inheritance which was settled last year. I had sued my brothers. My wife or her brother helped me contest the case. What remained was the implementation. My brother Sajid  lives abroad, initially flatly refused to come when I told about the court hearing. Later his wife Neeli would call on his behalf . Whenever she called my wife  Razia would avoid picking up the phone and ask me to talk to her.  Razia explained she does not know how to talk with Neeli,  Razia had told so many times that did not  like Neeli and despised Sajid. I was away and Razia had to talk with Neeli, who told that Sajid is going to be coming over in the earliest flight. Razia told me that. Sajid came and did the needful at the court. The next day I had to accompany him to the court  He dropped by my place and left a box of chocolates for my daughter. Considering that Razia did not like or care my brother and his wife, I did not tell Razia. Later after the box of chocolates were discovered